Web Development

Palmetto Sun’s premium website design and development will craft a unique, sleek, and modern website that will increase your business traffic and impress customers from the start.

Palmetto Sun Website Design & Development

Every website is different and the official pricing to create your dream site will vary depending on your specifications. That being said, a general estimate based on the type of website your looking for is listed here.

If you’re looking for a sign to create your website, this is it.

Contact us to get started.
Website Type Price Range
One Page $1000 – $1500
One Page Scroll $2000 – $2500
Two Page $1500 – $2000
Three Page $2000 – $2500
Four-Five Page $2500 – $3500

Information on Website Types

One Page: a website with just one central page, usually a Home page.

One Page Scroll: a website with the content of multiple pages, but simply stacked on one main page so that users scroll through the content.

Two Page: a website with a central, Home page and an additional page (such as Contact Us or a Gallery).

Three+ Page: the pages included in the website are up to the business owner, but generally are pages such as Home, Contact Us, About, Gallery, Calendar, etc.

The Perfect Complement to Your New Website is a New Logo

Palmetto Sun’s Expert Logo Design

Logos help your company stand out to customers. It makes your business memorable, eye-catching, and helps promote sales. Whether you need a logo from scratch, or just to re-vamp your existing one, Palmetto Sun’s expert logo designers are here to make your business’s perfect logo!